On the Facebook site of old boys.yes my grammar school was 'Boys only'!!? I know some people find this fact incredulous?.but on this sad Gateway Old Boys Facebook group,they seem to see this monster as some kind of Hero.a great bloke? Undoubtedly denying some dark events like a delayed kind of Stockholm syndrome to avoid the trauma that happened long ago.They probably all got shagged by this twat.as my reaction is normal,I don't think i got shagged by him.but certainly remember rolling with his punches. This film was a silver screen version of my early life, especially the school parts.It was not so much 'Silver' in colour but Grey, like Billy Caspers' clothes.And my version of Mr Sugden was a complete Cunt called Jim Kedie (now dead) who liked to grab your genitals in the rugby scrum,and give you a sound beating for looking at him in the wrong way. Mainly because of the casting of Mark E Smith look-a-likey,the then unknown David Bradley as Billy (soon after to regain his unknown status rather swiftly), and the late,great,Brian Glover as sadistic gym teacher Mr Sugden. Yes,Kes, the Film, was better than Kes, the book. I'd like to think a copy was retrieved by an Acid Folk obsessed bin man,and is still treasured to this day? But, even if it was, any Progressive Folk fan would have thought this was shite.The Pentangle it sure ain't.

Few were sold of course,and allegedly 50 copies were thrown out in the garbage by Guitarist Mike Jolliffe's pissed off parents.at today's prices that ill advised act of parental stupidity consisted of about £30,000 quid's worth of plastic and cardboard! This record fetching somewhere in the vicinity of £600 quid a piece. Every instrument and voice seems to be slightly out of tune,notably the piano,and the school orchestra violin playing.The vocal harmonies are toe-curling,but you can't help but love this LP,which had an initial pressing of exactly 99(?) probably because if you wanted 100 you crossed into the next price bracket,and money was obviously tight,so 99 it was. The charming DIY-ness of it all has a strong resemblance to the Punk DIY culture 7 or 8 years hence.The amateurish guitar playing and bedroom of mum and dad's house singing are refreshing for 1971, when if you couldn't play an instrument to an impossibly high standard you could virtually forget dreams of pop stardom. The band released only one studio album, the 1971 independent label offering 'Under the Tree'. Who?.Shide and Acorn?.What?.Common questions indeed,but in a nutshell, Shide and Acorn were a short-lived folk rock group from the Isle of Wight who formed, renamed several times and disbanded all in the space of about two years in the early seventies.